
Product features The Eutech EcoTestr TDS series is economical and easy to use. The ECO Testr TDS High comes with adjusta...


Eutech ECOTester pH1 waterproof Product Description: A pH meter is a meter by which the pH of a solution can be determin...


Eutech ECOTester pH2 waterproof Product Description: A pH meter is a meter by which the pH of a solution can be determin...


Eutech Expert pH WaterProof Description: A pH meter is a meter that determines the pH of a solution. Before use, the pH ...


Waterproof CTS meter. (EC/TDS/Salt) • Waterproof EC/TDS/SALT meter with buoyancy. • EC Range: 0.00 - 20.00 mS/cm. • EC R...


Eutech ECO Tester EC high WaterProof Description: With an EC meter you can measure the electrical conductivity of a liqu...


Eutech Expert CTS (EC / TDS / SALINITY) Waterproof Description: The Eutech (Thermo Scientific) Expert CTS tester measure...


Eutech KCL bewaarvloeistof 5 liter


Hydrocal EC ijkvloeistof 2.77 mS/cm 5 liter


Eutech EC ijkvloeistof 3.00 mS/cm 5 liter


Eutech EC ijkvloeistof 1.413 mS/cm 5 liter


Eutech pH ijkvloeistof 7.01 5 liter


Eutech pH ijkvloeistof 4.01 5 liter


Eutech EC calibration fluid 2.77 mS / cm 100 ml.


Eutech EC calibration fluid 3.00 mS / cm 100 ml.

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