Mats and Cables

Ecogardenshop sells a wide range of heating Mats and Cables. Read more.

Hotbox Heatwave 57 x 57cm. 50Watt verwarmings mat

De Hotbox Heatwave is een bodem- en tafelverwarmin...


Hotbox Heatwave 72 x 72cm. 78Watt verwarmings mat

De Hotbox Heatwave is een bodem- en tafelverwarmin...


Hotbox Heatwave 77 x 77cm. 89Watt verwarmings mat

De Hotbox Heatwave is een bodem- en tafelverwarmin...


Hotbox Heatwave 87 x 87cm. 114Watt verwarmings mat

De Hotbox Heatwave is een bodem- en tafelverwarmi...


Hotbox Heatwave 117 x 117cm. 205Watt verwarmings mat

De Hotbox Heatwave is een bodem- en tafelverwar...


Hotbox Heatwave 147 x 147cm. 324Watt verwarmings mat

De Hotbox Heatwave is een bodem- en tafelverwar...


Hotbox Heatwave 117 x 237cm. 416Watt verwarmings mat

De Hotbox Heatwave is een bodem- en tafelverwar...


Aluminium grond verwarmings mat 40 x 75cm (65W)

Is een verwarmingskabel met diverse beschermende lag...


BIOGreen Aluminum ground heating mat 40 x 120cm (85W) Is a heating cable with various protective layers and a Teflon coa...


BIOGreen Aluminum ground heating mat 40 x 200cm (157W) Is a heating cable with various protective layers and a Teflon co...


Biogreen aluminum floor heating mat 60 x 120cm (140W)

Is a heating cable with a variety of protecti...


BIOGreen Aluminum ground heating mat 60 x 200cm (263W) Is a heating cable with various protective layers and a Teflon co...


Biogreen aluminum floor heating mat 100 x 100cm (150W)

Is a heating cable with a variety of protect...


BIOGreen Aluminum ground heating mat 100 x 200cm (300W)

Is a heating cable with various protective ...


BIOGreen Heating pad 25 x 35cm (15W)Ground heating pads that can increase the ambient temperature between 5 and 10 °C.Sp...


BIOGreen Heating pad 30 x 60cm (32W) Underfloor heating pads that can increase the ambient temperature between 5 and 10 ...


BIOGreen Heating pad 40 x 65cm (42W) Ground heating pads that can increase the ambient temperature between 5 and 10 ° C....


BIOGreen Ground heating cable 4.3 meters (25W) Ground heating cable that can increase the ambient temperature between 8 ...


BIOGreen Ground heating cable 6 meters (50W) Ground heating cable that can increase the ambient temperature between 8 an...


BIOGreen Ground heating cable 10 meters (100W) Ground heating cable that can increase the ambient temperature between 8 ...


BIOGreen Ground heating cable 25 meters (320W) Ground heating cable that can increase the ambient temperature between 8 ...


Ecogardenshop has the right thing for every application

- Mats and Cables

Good heat regulation is essential for a good climate and / or good breeding results!

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